Mindful Breastfeeding

With The Calm Birth School

Become a Mindful Breastfeeding Supporter. Run classes & support sessions online or in-person & continue working with your hypnobirthing clients after their baby has arrived. 

 If you run birthing classes it's likely that you get asked breastfeeding questions on a regular basis. At the Mindful Breastfeeding School our aim is for you to be able to answer those questions with confidence and ease. And far beyond that, we teach you to run ground-breaking educational classes and support services. Our ethos partners with that of The Calm Birth School in a beautiful way, meaning that your offerings will run seamlessly into each other.    

  • Antenatal Classes
  • Parent & Baby Mindfulness Courses
  • Breastfeeding Support Groups
  • 1-2-1  support


Book your place

When you train with us you receive: 

Mindful Breastfeeding Foundations

Teaching you the basics of lactation, breastfeeding support and communication skills. We start on 7th October 2024

Mindful Breastfeeding Programme

Our ground-breaking programme - the first of it's kind to link psychology, neuroscience and mindfulness to infant feeding. 


A Live Teaching Day

On Saturday 16th November we come together & practice all of the practical breastfeeding support skills that you have been learning in a friendly environment. 

Blended Learning

Video lessons, Live teaching day, workbooks weekly Q&As, FB support group, app learning and much more

All The Resources

you need to start offering services straight away. Teaching plans, our guide, presentations, games and handouts

Ongoing Support

Our community offers continuing education, general support and business coaching for as long as you are a Mindful Breastfeeding Supporter.

PLUS, A bonus of 3 whole months in the BABBA Membership!

Sign up for this training and as well as the HUGE course discount, you will also get to join the BABBA Membership for free for 3 months.

The Community Membership for Birth & Baby Business Owners will help you take your business to the next level with live coaching Sessions, our BABBA stages and Content, that show you how to build your dream business, get more clients and enjoy support from other heart-led business owners at the same time. 

This bonus is worth £75!

Book Your Place

Meet your facilitator 

Anna Le Grange

Founder, IBCLC, Registered Nurse & Mindfulness Teacher

I've been working with brand-new families for over 25 years. My interest in infant feeding grew after having my first child but it's  my experience of the mind-body connection and how it impacts lactation and parent/baby relationships, that lead me to create The Mindful Breastfeeding School. I absolutely adore sharing what I have learnt and experienced over the past couple of decades with others so that they can make an impact in their own communities. 

Book A Call With Anna To Find Out More


I loved the content- this is the first time in 20 years that I’ve heard anyone speak so holistically about breastfeeding. Flexibility was also great and meant I could access this training in a way that didn’t overload me.

Cherry Brennan


Usually £1150  

This course and qualification is offered to Calm Birth School Instructors for just £695! 

There are no ongoing costs to being a practitioner apart from arranging your own insurance ( you are likely to have this in place already).

Some practitioners buy copies of The Mindful Breastfeeding Book and pay to have access to The Mindful Breastfeeding App for them and their clients. 

Book My Place

Pay in Full


  • Mindful Breastfeeding Foundations Course
  • The Mindful Breastfeeding Programme
  • Learning Workbooks
  • Weekly teaching sessions
  • All the resources you need to start your services
  • Be part of our support & learning community for as long as you are a Mindful Breastfeeding Practitioner

Payment Plan

£89 X 9

  • Mindful Breastfeeding Foundations Course
  • The Mindful Breastfeeding Programme
  • Learning Workbooks
  • Weekly teaching sessions
  • All the resources you need to start your services
  • Be part of our support & learning community for as long as you are a Mindful Breastfeeding Practitioner

Have Further Questions?

Book a call with Anna and get the answers you need to decide if this is the right training course for you. 

Book a Call